Know Your Prerolled Products: Joints Vs. Blunts

If you’re a hardcore stoner, you must be creative, especially on the matter to do with joints vs. blunts. But if you are new to the world of pre-rolled products, you’ll need some information about them to decide if you have to choose between the two.

What’s the Difference Between Joints and Blunts?

The choice between joints vs. blunts isn’t as easy as many might think.

If you are new to using cannabis, you may find these two terms, joints and blunts, confusing. To clear your confusion, remember that joints are pure cannabis with no additives. A joint is just paper and flowers. Joints are the most common and popular among all cannabis products. Many smokers grind cannabis in their hands before rolling them in special papers. The cannabis rolling papers come in various sizes and are made of different materials. Blunts are big joints wrapped in brown cigar papers. The papers are made from tobacco, meaning when smoking a joint, you smoke both cannabis and tobacco without directly adding tobacco to your weed when rolling. Many smokers like blunts because the tobacco content enhances the “high” feeling. Blunt papers can also be flavored, adding to the experience.

Joints vs. Blunts: How to Choose Between the Two

The choice between joints vs. blunts isn’t as easy as many might think. Some smokers prefer some nicotine buzz associated with blunts, while others want the more natural high feeling of the joints. Another reason some stoners like blunts is that they are larger, making it easy to share in a group. If you are torn between the two and can’t make a decision, talk to our staff. We’ll help you according to your intentions or desired effects, whether you are looking for relaxation or cerebral calming.  

Check out our pre-roll products or contact us Village Green Society for all the information you need about joints vs. blunts and learn how to choose between the two.

What Are the Effects of THC Products

Indica Wana Gummies

As more and more places begin to legalize THC products, a lot of people who have never tried it due to the legal status are considering giving it a chance. Many of them are nervous about trying it for the first time, but the strongest tool against anxiety is often knowledge. If you’re curious about the effects of THC products, then look no further. 

What Should I Expect the First Time?

People have a wide variety of experiences when partaking in THC. This can depend on the strain, the individual’s natural body chemistry, and the amount ingested. However, there are some common effects. Many people experience a sense of relaxation or happiness when they ingest THC. Depending on the individual, they may also experience feelings of hunger or laughter, and potentially a sense of dry mouth. A first-timer should experience the effects of THC products somewhere they feel safe, with people they trust. They should also keep some food and drink handy and maybe pick out some entertainment beforehand.

Lick It THC Lollipop
Is Sativa or Indica more your speed?

Choose the Type That Suits Your Needs

There are two commonly discussed strains and then a variety of hybrids. Indica is a strain that produces feelings of relaxation and euphoria. People who ingest Indica products are liable to find themselves feeling happy and eventually sleepy. They’re commonly used for relaxation at the end of a day or on the weekend. On the other hand, Sativa can create an energizing effect on your body. They’re also great for reducing anxiety or stress and are the strain commonly ingested during daytime, or when undertaking a more physical task. There are also hybrid strains that provide something in between.

When you set out to enjoy cannabis, it’s important to know the effects of THC products. You can find more information on our website to help you get started. We hope you enjoy!

Open Container and DUI Laws for Marijuana

marijuana laws limit how much of this you can buy

Marijuana laws can vary from state to state, so it’s important to keep yourself informed, especially if you’re traveling across state lines. Here’s what you need to know about marijuana laws in Colorado, and how you can keep yourself safe.

Basic Overview of Marijuana Laws in Colorado

In Colorado, there are both purchasing limits and age limits that you need to be aware of when you’re purchasing marijuana. The laws in Colorado state that you can only purchase up to 1 oz of marijuana at a time. Furthermore, you must be 21 years old or older to make this purchase.

Colorado has marijuana laws that dictate how much you can have on yourself when you’re out in public as well. In public spaces, you can have up to 1 oz of marijuana on you. Be aware of how much you’re carrying, and don’t go over the limit!

Driving and Marijuana

marijuana laws regarding this product can vary
Marijuana laws can vary from state to state.

In Colorado, you need to be extremely careful about driving and marijuana in your car. DUI and open container laws apply to marijuana in Colorado. Within the state of Colorado, you must keep your marijuana in a closed container in the trunk of your car while the vehicle is in use. Stick with using marijuana in the comforts of your home!

Furthermore, be extra cautious if you decide to send marijuana across state lines. For one, marijuana laws vary from state to state; there’s no guarantee that the person receiving marijuana from you can use it legally. For another, it’s not federally legal for you to mail, fly with, or cross states with marijuana and marijuana products. To avoid legal issues, avoid traveling or sending marijuana.

At Village Green, we make sure to keep ourselves up-to-date with the latest laws regarding marijuana use in Colorado. Visit us to learn more about marijuana and how it can help you in your day-to-day life.



Mimosa is the perfect strain for beginners or less-experienced smokers. This is a great recommendation for people who rarely smoke or just want a happy break from life. The effect of Mimosa is happy and giggly so you’ll be sure to turn your bad day around as soon as you have a puff! Mimosa smells […]

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