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Dankarooz (Sativa)



    Dankarooz is a sativa dominant hybrid strain. This strain is known for its clarity, often leaving users feeling clear-headed long after its effects have subsided, making it a popular choice for morning use. Its uplifting impact on mood is highly valued, particularly for those looking for an emotional boost. While it’s enjoyed by many for its positive vibes, those sensitive to THC, which has been tested up to 26% in this strain, may want to start with smaller amounts due to its potent nature and the possibility of inducing heightened awareness in certain situations.

    26% THC

    Prices before tax/after tax: 

    • Gram: $9.64/$12
    • Eighth (3.50 g): $25.71/$32
    • Quarter (7 g): $44.20/$55
    • Half Oz. (14 g): $72.32/$90
    • Ounce (28 g): $128.57/$160