The Optimal Level of THC for Safe Recreational Use

A lot of people will tell you that there’s no safe consuming THC, and that any THC consumption is potentially unsafe, but these people are missing the point of safe recreational use: it’s not about being risk-free, it’s about reducing your risk as much as possible without sacrificing all the benefits. With that in mind, there are some things you can do to optimize your intake of THC so that you get all the benefits without too many of the drawbacks. Find out more here!

What is THC

Safe recreational use of THC, implies understanding what cannabis does to a person.

THC is the chemical in marijuana that gets you high. The level of THC in a product determines the user’s experience. For example, a beginner-level edible would have 15mg or less of THC per serving while an experienced-level edible may have more than 100mg per serving. If you are new to edibles, it’s best to start with a lower dose and see how your body reacts before increasing your dose (tolerance levels vary). Keep in mind that edibles can take up to 2 hours to fully absorb into the bloodstream. If you don’t feel anything from an edible after 30 minutes, it’s best to wait at least 2 hours before eating any more. Always consult with your doctor about using cannabis if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

How THC Affects the Body

THC affects the body in a variety of ways. For example, it can make you feel happy and relaxed or even paranoid and anxious. How it affects you depends on how much is taken in and the person’s biology. When inhaled, THC enters the lungs where some is absorbed into the bloodstream while the rest travels to the brain. The blood carries THC throughout the body, including to organs like the heart and kidneys. From there, it eventually makes its way back out of your body, mostly through your urine or feces.

The Optimal Level of THC for Safe Recreational Use

In order to know the optimal level of THC for safe recreational use, one must first understand what it is that cannabis does to a person. Cannabis produces psychoactive effects that give the consumer a high. The higher the level of THC in the product, the stronger these effects will be. CBD, or Cannabidiol, on the other hand, can counteract some of these effects such as paranoia and anxiety because CBD has been shown to have an anti-psychotic effect.

Tips for Beginners

If you’re a beginner, it’s important to start with products that contain lower levels of THC. You can always work your way up as you become more experienced and find the right level for you. One way to figure out which level is right for you is by starting off with small amounts and then gradually increasing your intake over time. If at any point you feel uncomfortable or unwell, stop using immediately.

Tips for Experienced Users

Experienced cannabis users are typically looking for a product with a higher concentration of THC, but it’s important to be mindful that this isn’t the only factor that determines the effects. The best way to figure out what’s right for you is to experiment and see how your body reacts, but here are a couple of tips:

  • Research the strain before trying it – This can help you determine how much THC is in the product, as well as anticipate how it will affect you. If you’re not sure about the potency, go for something on the lower end of the spectrum or start with a small dose and wait at least an hour to see how it affects you.
  • Experiment by using different amounts from time to time. If you use too little, there may not be enough THC in your system for any changes or symptoms; if there’s too much, these could include panic attacks or paranoia.

Village Green is here to help you find the right product and amount to help you consume THC safely. Contact us today!

5 Tips for Safely Consuming THC for the First Time

A lot of people enjoy using marijuana recreationally, and it’s perfectly legal to do so in many parts of the country! However, if you’ve never used cannabis before, there are a few things you should know about safe consuming before getting high. THC — the active compound in marijuana that gets you high — affects everyone differently, and it’s important to know how you respond to it before overindulging. Here are five tips for safely consuming THC recreationally  for the first time so you can fully enjoy your experience and not worry about getting too stoned!

Know Your Limits

Safely consuming THC recreationally.

Know your limits. You should never take more than you’re comfortable with, and it’s a good idea to space out your consumption for the first few times you try it. Make sure to be with someone you trust, in case you need help or have a bad reaction. Start Low, go slow – If you know what type of high you want and how much THC is in your product, start there and work up from there if desired.

Understand How the Effects of Edibles Differ From Smoking or Vaping

When you smoke or vape cannabis, the THC is activated by the heat and enters your body through your lungs. However, when you consume edibles, the cannabinoids enter your body through your stomach. This difference in ingestion method can lead to a stronger and more intense high that takes around two hours to set in. We suggest starting slow with edibles and waiting an hour before deciding if you want more. Remember that it’s always best to be with someone who’s sober so they can help keep you safe.

Don’t Overindulge

The most important thing to remember is not to overindulge. One of the first mistakes many people make is eating too much at one time, or eating more than they need for their tolerance. There’s no rule about how much you should consume, but it’s best to err on the side of caution and start with a small amount and wait an hour before consuming any more. You should also avoid combining cannabis and alcohol, which can slow your reflexes and coordination.

Know Who You Are With

Always be aware of your surroundings, and make sure to stay with people you trust at all times. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Plus, if you’re with a group of people, then it’ll help prevent overconsumption because there will be someone there to remind you that it might not be a good idea to keep going.

Have Fun

If you’re going to get high for the first time, or if you’re about to try cannabis for the first time and are feeling a little nervous, here are a few additional tips that will help you have a safe and enjoyable experience:

  • Be clear with your intentions
  • Be educated on what you’re consuming
  • Don’t over-consume edibles/smoke
  • Have fun!

At Village Green Society, we can help you with the right product to choose for the first time high you are wanting to achieve as well as help you with tips for safely consuming THC.

What’s the Best High for You? It Depends on What You’re Consuming

It is too much power!

No matter what type of high you’re looking for, there are ways to consume cannabis that will give you the best high you’re after. If you’re looking to relax and unwind with friends, try some infused candles or flowers in your bong or pipe. If edibles are more your thing, look into any of the wide range of cannabis-infused foods like brownies, cookies, muffins, and more at Village Green Society. There are many different ways of safe consuming marijuana to get the experience you are looking for.

High From Flowers

Different ways to consume cannabis could give you the best high you’re after.

If the person smoking is doing so because they are looking to get high, then they are likely not using flowers to do so. Flowers have a much milder psychoactive effect and often produce less of a stoned feeling than smoking wax or buds as an alternative to getting high. Additionally, flowers may be more affordable and easier to find if people don’t want to buy their weed illegally. However, some say that flower highs can be more difficult to come down from than other highs, which can lead people who use them frequently to experience problems with their sleep patterns. Flowers are one of the easiest ways to consume cannabis but can also be one of the most expensive, depending on where you live and what type of cannabis flower you buy.

High From Wax

The high from smoking wax is sometimes preferred to that of flower because it may be stronger and last longer, depending on its strength and purity. Some people will use hemp twigs as a kind of filter or mouthpiece, but it may affect the taste and harshness of the hit. If you don’t like the taste, then wax pens are your go-to here. They are incredibly easy to use and allow you to travel around without creating a mess, unlike bowls or blunts with combustible materials. One drawback is that it can be hard to gauge how strong each hit will be due to the variable nature of vaping vs. other means of consumption. When you take a hit from the flame, never inhale too deeply; this can create unpleasant experiences with accidentally taking too deep of a breath in this respect! 

Highs From Edibles

Do you want to feel calm and relaxed or energized and motivated? There are many types of highs to choose from, and different highs feel different depending on what you’re consuming. If we are talking about edibles, it largely depends on how potent the edible is, so do your research before buying if that matters to you!.